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Life Changing Productions is a 501 C3 Christian Evangelism Music Ministry
Our purpose is to share the gospel of Christ to every person on earth.
EIN: 47-4369814
Are you a follower of Christ ?
If you do not follow Christ see Below
Are you Listening 2Jesus ?

Would you like to accept Christ as your Savior and begin a relationship with him today. It's a personal relationship with someone big enough to create the universe and small enough to fit in your heart. Let God into your life and never be the same. Pray this prayer: Jesus, I want to follow you, allow your Holy Spirit to save me, I want you to come into my life. I surrender to your will. I want to become your friend and follow you the rest of my life. If you prayed this prayer, I want you to contact me at 804-348-1450 and let me know your decision to follow Christ. Don't put off this decision.
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